Dear Boomtown readers,
When we started the Boomtown project on November 16, 2023, we asked each other things like: “Do you think we’ll get anyone to sign up?” or “Will we have enough to write about?” We clearly had no idea what we were getting into.
Since then we’ve somehow published more than 50 stories and signed up nearly 1,300 subscribers. It’s been a whirlwind ride for us, but we couldn’t be more pleased with how things have turned out.
So now, as we enter our 11th month, we’ve decided that the best thing for Boomtown to do next, for both ourselves and our loyal readers, is to stop.
Not permanently! We just want to take a break to recharge our creative energies, catch up with our families and friends, and remind ourselves what life is like outside of the confines of Boomtown World Headquarters (a.k.a. Mesa Public Library meeting room #1).
We promise we’ll be back in November — with more of the stories and photos that have made Boomtown the trusted source of news and information for the Los Alamos community.
With gratitude and appreciation,
Minesh, Stephanie, Sam, Cat, Emily, and Boomdog Zig
Also, you will probably still hear from us occasionally during this time. But we figured that announcing to you that we’re taking a break would make it easier for us to actually take one.
Appreciate your work!
Thanks for all that you do! Enjoy a well-deserved break.