*In case you missed it, here is recap of May’s and June’s stories, notes from some of our subscribers, and new Boomsplainers.
Stories we published in May:
"We've got to get a couple of major wins"
Stories we published in June:
What people are saying about Boomtown…
A few words from new subscribers:
"Independent reporting is essential to democracy"
"You are a reporter who will only report the facts after intense research."
In other news:
We recently published our first “Boomsplainer” regarding the Los Alamos MRA. Boomsplainer is short for “Boomtown Explainer,” articles that are intended to simplify timely and critical issues the community is facing. What other explainers would you like us to tackle? Write us: editors@boomtownlosalamos.org
“Resources and Further Reading” is a new tab on our homepage where you can find related stories, helpful articles, and other cool stuff for our paid subscribers. To kick it off, we are re-publishing pieces Stephanie previously wrote for the Los Alamos Reporter. You can our Resources and Further Reading here, or at the top of our homepage.
The Fallout:
“The Fallout” is Boomtown’s very own chat space, where paid subscribers can join in the conversation regarding recent Boomtown stories. If you haven’t checked it out, take a look at the latest thread: