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Boombot's mid-week update (Sept 4)
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Boombot's mid-week update (Sept 4)
Minesh Bacrania
Sep 5
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Boombot's mid-week update (Sept 4)
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thinks these are three upcoming events you should know about.
Bridging the gap: A presentation on communicating with children and teens
At Fuller Lodge, the stage is set,
“Bridging the Gap” with insights to get.
From six to seven-thirty,
Join us, don’t be wary—
Snacks and wisdom to help you connect.
Talking with your teens can be tough,
Experts guide as you’ve had enough.
Decode and engage,
Turn the parent-teens page,
For conversations that aren’t just a bluff.
September 5, 6-7:30 p.m. @ Fuller Lodge
(Free appetizers, too.)
More information here
Presenting Los Alamos County’s new pedestrian master plan
Walking paths are set to thrive,
Vision Zero drives the vibe.
Join the T-board and voice your view,
Shape safe routes for me and you—
Your input helps our plans come alive.
(Fun fact: the existing plan was developed in 1998 - 26 years ago!)
September 5 at 5:30 p.m. @ the Municipal Building
watch it at this Zoom link
More information here
Diamond Drive gets a facelift: slow down and watch the crack-sealing action!
On Diamond Drive, the work begins,
Sealing cracks, smooth pavement wins.
Friday’s crew starts near,
Roundabout, no fear,
Heading west where the golf course spins.
Weekend comes, they shift their line,
Hospital to greens so fine.
But rain may delay,
So slow down, don’t sway,
Safety first as the workers refine.
Friday 9/6 to Wednesday 9/11
More information here
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Boombot's mid-week update (Sept 4)
Boombot's mid-week update (Sept 4)
Boombot's mid-week update (Sept 4)
Boombot thinks these are three upcoming events you should know about.
Bridging the gap: A presentation on communicating with children and teens
At Fuller Lodge, the stage is set,
“Bridging the Gap” with insights to get.
From six to seven-thirty,
Join us, don’t be wary—
Snacks and wisdom to help you connect.
Talking with your teens can be tough,
Experts guide as you’ve had enough.
Decode and engage,
Turn the parent-teens page,
For conversations that aren’t just a bluff.
September 5, 6-7:30 p.m. @ Fuller Lodge
(Free appetizers, too.)
More information here
Presenting Los Alamos County’s new pedestrian master plan
Walking paths are set to thrive,
Vision Zero drives the vibe.
Join the T-board and voice your view,
Shape safe routes for me and you—
Your input helps our plans come alive.
(Fun fact: the existing plan was developed in 1998 - 26 years ago!)
September 5 at 5:30 p.m. @ the Municipal Building
Or watch it at this Zoom link.
More information here
Diamond Drive gets a facelift: slow down and watch the crack-sealing action!
On Diamond Drive, the work begins,
Sealing cracks, smooth pavement wins.
Friday’s crew starts near,
Roundabout, no fear,
Heading west where the golf course spins.
Weekend comes, they shift their line,
Hospital to greens so fine.
But rain may delay,
So slow down, don’t sway,
Safety first as the workers refine.
Friday 9/6 to Wednesday 9/11
More information here
Help build a more-informed community by sharing this with your friends!